Together, we are growing our fund development and fulfilling of our mission to serve even more children with access to overnight camp experiences, without financial constraint, summer after summer. You are a necessary component to the growing success of SCOPE, you are part of the difference!
We ask you to stay with us, as your support for SCOPE continues to change children’s lives for the better and our gratitude for your commitment grows along with it. Sponsor a Camper >
With the support of SCOPE’s Sandford Lavitt Education Fund, a total of $200,000 has been awarded to SCOPE scholars since 2020.
Support started at $2,500/scholar and has grown to $3,500/scholar
“In camp I learned a lot about community and learning from my peers which helped me get adjusted into college especially for life and living away from home.” – Valentina
Growth in Dollars Allocated
SCOPE Support Per Campership
In 2023, due to rising economic costs, SCOPE increased the financial commitment associated with each campership allocation provided, to help SCOPE nonprofit partner camps offset the cost of camp, for each child whose camp tuition is funded through SCOPE.
SCOPE Partner Camps
SCOPE partnered with 59 different nonprofit, overnight summer camps around the Unite States, accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA).
Each SCOPE partner camp is required to maintain compliance with ACA standards, refrain from asking assisted families for any additional fees, and accept campers ages 7 – 16 enrolled in school, who meet income eligibility requirements.
On behalf of the children SCOPE serves, we are grateful for the ongoing support of individuals, families, camps, foundations, and businesses. Thank You.
Founder’s Circle $750,000+
Mindy and Jay Jacobs TLC STARFISH Foundation
Legacy Circle $250,000+
Linda and Michael Schulman Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund
The Pierce Family In Memory of Doug Pierce Pierce Country Day Camp and Families Pierce Camp Birchmont and Families
Visionary Circle $50,000 – $100,000
Adam Baker
Sheryl and Richie Kamen Camps Equinunk & Blue Ridge and Families
Boca West Children’s Foundation
Loren and Neil Canell
Sari and Jay Canell
Kelli and Ross Coleman Coleman Country Day Camp and Families
Rona and Marc Honigfeld
Sara Fetterhoff Trail’s End Camp and Families
Jill and Loren Kleinman Camp Taconic and Families
North American Camp Trust
Lauren and Joel Rutkowski
Matty Layman Camp IHC and Families
Wendy and Andy Siegel Tyler Hill Camp and Families
Mark Transport Crestwood Country Day Camp and Families
Patron Circle $10,000 – $49,999
Adirondack Foundation
Camp America
CampGroup LLC
Kenneth Bernardo Bay Crane
Lauren and Mark Camp Walden NY
The Black Family Lake Owego, Pine Forest Camp, Camp Timber Tops
Camp Bronx Fund
Camp Brooklyn Fund
Rachel and Jamie Chadwin
Emily Sussman Camp Mah-Kee-Nac and Families
Chubb Insurance
Miki and Larry Debb
The Dime Bank
The Etra Family Camp Pontiac and Families
In Memory of Ethan Falkowitz and Drew Hassenbein
Amy and Ben Fisher Camp Kawaga and Families
The Fleischner Family Camp Scatico and Families
Leslie and Howard Gabler Fred Gabler Helping Hand Camp Fund
Gettry Marcus CPA
Brooke and Jeff Gould Independent Lake Camp
Jaclyn and Leo Greenberg
Noah Greenberg
H&H Purchasing
Dayna Hardin and Dana Kite Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camp and Families
Sue and Jim Himoff Himoff Family Charitable Foundation
Gordon Josey Breezemont Day Camp
Jane and Dan Kagan Lake Bryn Mawr Camp & Jeff Lake Camp
Kate and Cole Kelly Camp Weequahic and Families
Keith Klein The Laurel Camps
Stacy and Paul Kotelov Banner Day Camp and Families
Michelle and Jason Lavitt The Lavitt Group
Levity impACT Foundation
Sam Lieberman
Alison and Josh Male Gate Hill Day Camp
Susan and Ross Moskowitz Camp Westmont and Families
Laura and Mark Newfield Iroquois Springs
Monica and Craig Odiorne Island Lake Camp and Families
Pratt & Whitney
Mitch Reiter Camp Towanda and Families
Jill and Ken Rosenberg Atlas Print Solutions
Sacks and Sacks, LLP
Gayle and David Schreiber Club Getaway
Ship Camps
The Skier Family AMSkier Insurance
Jane and Robert Slater
Emily and Tony Stein Camp Echo Lake
Summer 365 I Give Sum
Shelley and Dave Tager
Wendy and Andrew Tannenbaum
Lucia and Dave Thoensen Tamarak Day Camp
Ilana and Skip Vichness
The Wortman Family Camps Baco & Che-Na-Wah
Lois and Bruce Zenkel
Michele and Dan Zenkel Zenkel Foundation
Suzanne and Gary Zenkel
Benefactor Circle $5,000 – $9,999
AJ Feldman Financial
American Camp Association, New York and New Jersey
Jessica and Matt Aven
Dylan Aven and Emery Aven
Mary and Gerald Batsford
Froma and Andrew Benerofe
Aliza and Josh Bloomstein
Scott Brody Camps Kenwood and Evergreen
Lucy Caldwell-Stair
Camp Leaders
Centric Brands Group /
Robert Graham
Ann and Aaron Selkow Chestnut Lake Camp and Families
Shari and Michael Baer Glenn Brown CampsChipinawandSilverLake and Families
Hannah S. & Samuel A. Cohn Memorial Foundation
Amy and Andrew Cole Elite Staffing Inc.
Joan L. Cole Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
Tom Coffey SouthamptonCamp&Cluband Families
Annie Copp and Zach Aronson CampDanbeeandFamilies
Elinor and Michael Crames
Jacqueline and Christopher Curtis
Andi and Ryan Daube
Oakley Daube Camp Kawaga
Becky Elrad
Susan and Charlie Emby Shari and George Erasmus ErasmusFamilyCharitableFund
Four Chickens Foundation
Lori and Eric Friedman
Alexa Galante
Genie Solar Energy
Ella Gilderman Miami Country Day School SCOPE Club
Linda and Geoff Glass
Jonathan Gold
David Gordon
Mark Grober
Elizabeth and Donald Hanigan
Jean Hill
Marcy and Daniel Isdaner Camp Mataponi and Families
Jessica Jacobs Everything Camper
Shawne and Steven Jacobs
Michelle and Mitchell Kessler Spring Lake Day Camp
Carol and Michael Laub
Dani and Brad Lerman
Amanda and Hylton Wener KenMont and KenWood Camp and Families
Cassie and Justin Mayer Timber Lake West Camp and Families
Diane and Stan Mayer
Morgan Li
The Moskowitz Family InMemoryofMinnaMoskowitz
Linda Newman Schapiro and Andrew Newman Eric P. and Evelyn E. Newman Foundation
Lindsay and Brett Pelton
PM Pediatric Care
Jill and Andrew Pritikin Liberty Lake Day Camp
JT Richman
Scripps Family Fund
Matthew Stoltz
Stone Mountain USA, LLC
Cyril Taylor Charitable Foundation
Jill and Neil Tipograph
Vivo Foundation
Mike Wagenberg Driftwood Day Camp
Emma Ward and Sophie Ward Lynbrook High School SCOPE Club
Wayne County Camp Alliance
Doug Weiss
Richard Woodstein Camp Robin Hood
Barry Zinn, Ithan Zinn, and Ricky Zinn Zinntex LLC
Campfire Circle $2,000 – $4,999
Academy Camps
Associated Agencies, Inc.
Nicole and Adam Bell
Helena and Mark Benerofe
Margot and Andrew Berg
Hannah Bess
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Jason Benbasset
Jan and Ken Bernstein
Caryn and Jonathan Bilzin
Olivia Bogard
Sharon and Neil Book
Brown & Brown Insurance
Adena and Matt Brown Camp Wayne for Girls and Families
Ellie Buchman and Sasha Rosenman
Roz and Jed Buck
The Camp Spot
Camps ’R’ Us
Mike Cerullo
Max Claman
Ginger and Steve Clare Camp Kippewa and Families
Robin Cohen
Ryan Cohen RyCoFundraising
Commercial Recreation Specialists
Josh Corpuel Camp Wayne for Boys and Families
Slade Davis
Nancy Diamond The Camp Professionals
Santa DiMatteo
Carolyn and Jed Dorfman Camp Walt Whitman and Families
Kate and Scott Eichel
Fairchild Acquisition
Fernandez Gold Family Foundation
John Fitzgerald
Amanda Forman
Lauren and Todd Forman
Christopher Forrest
Forum X
Jeff Frank
Karen and Edward Friedman
Kristin and Gary Friedman
Lucy Friedman
Hayley Garfinkel and Kyle Garfinkel Camp Lindenmere and Families
Fran and Robert Geier
Brooke and Jeremy Geller
Jessica and Patrick Ginn
Mason Goldberg Meadowbrook Country Day Camp and Families
Amy and Josh Goldman
Hayley and Robbie Gothelf
Sarah Greenberg
Hampton Country Day Camp and Families
Stephanie Harmelin
Lou Lou Hauser
Eliana Heater
Heller Family Foundation
Honesdale National Bank
Joni Iacono and Jason Mercado North Shore Day Camp and Families
Mike James
Lauren and Robert Kahn
Robin Kantor
Addison Kaplan
Lauren Kapp
Jason Katz
Jeff Konigsberg Camp Takajo
Richard Korengold
Karyn Kornfeld and Steve Kobre
Lisa Kroll Wit
Michele and Mike Kulchin RamapoCountryDayCamp
Peter Lasko
Alison and Brian Lattman
Cary Laxer
Jodi and Joel Laxer
Fiona LeFrancois
Blake and Adam Leiber
Heath Levine Shibley Day Camp and Families
Kiera Levine
Michael Levy In Honor of Jake Levy
Jim Libman and Jon Libman Camp Hillard and Families
Rachel and Gregg Licht Elmwood Day Camp
Jaimee and Dan Loewy
Ted Mann
Diane and Michael Marcus Camp Greylock
Elissa and Gregg Mayer
Mary Jo and William McCarthy
Michael McKeon
Julian Medina I Toloache
Olivia Medina
William Merz
Mesirow Financial
Allison and David Miller Camp Starlight
Derek Mishkin
Old National Bancorp
Rachel Ravich
Brandon Reiter SkyviewCFO
Rachel and Jared Reiter
Alexa Richards
Kim and Sam Roberts
Curt and Linda Rodin Foundation
Patrick Ronan
Jennifer Rossini
Emmy Sakalo
SCF Sampling
Shelley and Bennett Schmidt
Ashley and Dan Schmitz KECampsandFamilies
Kyra and Dean Schulhof
Schultz Psychotherapy Center
David Schwartz Foundation
Jordana Shapiro
Annie Sherman
Shipley SCOPE Club
Steven Shulman
Eli Singer
Laura and David Skolnik
Michael Slomsky
Spodek Family Foundation
The Starker Family Foundation
Lily Ryan Stoltz
Dani Suchow and Scott Leonard Pocono Springs Camp Families
Sylvie Stein
Zoe Stern Silberberg
Sandra and Michael Tannenbaum
Timber Lake Camp Families
Jeanne and Frank Top
Shari and Jonathan Turell
Turtle’s Trail Foundation
Twin Oaks Day Camp
James Upchurch
The Walton Family Walton’s Grizzly Lodge Summer Camp
Ellen Ward
Randi and Andrew Ward
Julia and Joseph Weksler
Abby Wiener
Charlotte Wiener
Eric Wittenberg Camper Machine
Robert Yaffa
Kenji Yoshikawa
Nicole Zenkel
Bryce and Chase Zuflacht
Friends Circle $1,000 – $1,999
Academy Express, LLC
Kara and Julian Acker
Andrea and Jeff Ackerman
Lenore Ades
Susanna Allshouse
Jill Altarac
Dawn Amoruso
Corey Anders
Noa Arias
Matthew Baden
David Bakst
Frank Bardonaro
Sarah Barnett
Dan Benton
Berkshire Soccer Academy for Girls Camp Families
Sasha Bergtraum
Danny Bernstein BackyardSports Cares
Phillip Beyer
Lauren and Michael Binstok
Brian Bloch
Paul Briamonte
Cathy Broms
Jared Brown
The Camp Lady
Camp Lisa Foundation
Lea Carlson
Randy Cestaro
Rachel Charney
Chicago Atlantic Advisers LLC
Ronald Cipriano
Jeffrey Citrin
Dara and Theodore Cohen
Gino Coia Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Melissa Cole
Carol Critchlow
Rob Crowe
Custom Tours Inc.
Alison and Justin Dembo
Michael DeSantis
David Dreifuss
Eagle Capital Management LLC
Vicki and James Engel
Environmental Engineering Management Associates, Inc.
Dawn Ewing
Todd Farber
Ian Feibelman BlackBearLakeDayCamp
Jason Feldgreber Camp Menominee
Steven Fields
George Fina
Sydney Fingerman
Leonard Fink
Steve Fisch
Bobby Fisher
Christine Fitzgerald
Daniel Flax
Steven Fox
Mary Fried
Linsey and Ross Friedman Camp Ojibwa
Dylan Funk
Dana and Ronen Gabbay Camp Lokanda
Lisa Gabrielson
Galin Education
Patrick Gaston
Scott Gaynor
Steve Geller
Peter Gelman
Molly Genson
Richie Gersten and Max Gersten BrantLakeCamp
Zachary Gilfix
Eric Glasson
Melissa and Scott Glick
Heather Goldberg
Ken Goldman
Maddie Goldwin
Gabrielle Goodman
Samantha Gordon
Jaime Green Corporate Branding
Emily and Howard Greenberg
Tori Greenberg
Gary Greenstein
Roni and Len Greer
Alison Grossman
Noah Halal and Ari Halal
Handler Real Estate In Honor of Kyle Galin
Hands In 4 Youth
Tyler Harawitz
David Harris
Mark Hebbeln
Marcia Hecht and Robert Baker
Gayle Helman
Diana Hochman
Emily Hofstetter
Caren Jacobs
Nancy Joselson
Jamie Kahn
Arlene Kalman Blaker
Kamtech Solar Solutions
Marty Kaplan
Srinivas Kaushik
Seth Kelly
Christine and Steven Kent
Sandra Kite
Heather Knobel
Jeffrey Kollin
Leslie Konigsberg Levy TrippLake Camp
Kovler Family Foundation
Remi Kraver
Kirsten Krohn
Matthew Krusko
Stacy and Dagan LaCorte
Amy and Adam Langbart Merrick Woods
Jaylen Lawyer
Dana Laxer
Michael Leffler
Adrea Levantino
Morris & Jules Levine Family Foundation
Paul Levitan
Rick Lewis
Linda Lippman
Liquid Digital Group
Karye Luppen
Amy and Marc Magid Foundation
The Malkin Fund, Inc.
Mamaroneck SCOPE Club
Lisa and Isaac Mamaysky
Roger Manka
Maplewood School
Bari Margolis
Joshua Marotta
Hayley Maultasch
Jessica McKinney Blumencranz
Alana and David Mendelowitz
Donna Meyer
Dr. Julie and Jason Monroe Cancer Consulting Services
John Morrissey
Elly and Andy Newberry
Susan Noonan
Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan
Darlene and Ken Novikoff
Olson Transportation, Inc.
Aly Organek
Pediatric Cancer Foundation
Michael Pensak
Sara Perna and Emma Perna
Spencer Pilavin
Pine Forest Cheerleading Camp at Trail’s End
Jill and Darren Port
Press House
Robert Presser
Lindsay Pykosz
Taylor Rackover
Johanna Rahal
Randall Rainer
Olivia Razzoog and Zach Razzoog
Andrea and Dennis Regan
Benjamin Reynolds
Heather Rich
Jason Rich
Rocklynn Entertainment Inc.
Stacey Rosen
Michele Rosenmutter
Olivia Rosten Jodi Roth
Alisse and Rick Rothenberg
Niki Rubin
Bart Rubin Kristine Rudolph
Elizabeth Sadoyan and Eric Israel
Rohini Sahni
Sathya Sai Baba Group
Deb and Chris Sawch
Curtis Schleimer
Jennifer Schultz
Helen Schwartz
Steve Serck
David Shapiro
The Amy & Mark Shirvan Family Foundation
Charlotte Siegel
Laura Siegel
Laurie Silber
Raine Silverstein
Jeffrey Sindone
Roberta and Richard Smithline
Amy Spellman
Jeffrey Spitzer
Zoey Spolansky
Cortney Stapleton
Jori Sternberg
Arlene Streisand Camp Specialists
Abby Suarez
Neil Sukonik Camp Canadensis
Jeremy Suriell
Molly and Jon Surran
Yoshio Takeda Daiei Trading
Dustin Tallisman
John Thomas
Kayan Thomas
The Tucker Family Foundation
Yaron Turgeman
Ryan Turner
United Asset Strategies, Inc.
W20 Foundation
Mary Kathryn Waldrep
Robyn Walker
Elyse Walker
Pamela Weber
Joshua A Weiler, DMD PC The Hamptons Dentist
Emily and Jon Weinstein
Andrew Weinstock
The Weisenthal Family In Memory of Bette Jean Weisenthal
Hank Azaria | Joe Ehrmann | Marc Honigfeld | Arlene Lavitt | Lisa Loeb | Doug Pierce▵
Key: * = past president I ▵ = deceased
Molly Hott Gallagher Executive Director
Choi Wah Garcia Communications Manager
Heather O’Dell Operations Manager
Foundation & Community Partners
SCOPE appreciates the ongoing relationship with our foundations and community organizations.
Adirondack Foundation
Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund
Boca West Children’s Foundation
Camp Bronx Fund
Camp Brooklyn Fund
Camp Lisa Foundation
Hannah S. & Samuel A. Cohn Memorial Foundation
Four Chickens Foundation
Fred Gabler Helping Hand Camp Fund
Himoff Family Charitable Foundation
Levity impACT Foundation
Luppen Family Foundation
Pratt & Whitney
David Schwartz Foundation
Scripps Family Fund
Cyril Taylor Charitable Foundation
Turtle’s Trail Foundation
Zenkel Foundation