Our Story
Evolution of SCOPE Video
The Beginning
SCOPE was established for one simple reason, to provide summer camp opportunities to all children, regardless of socio-economic background.
In the early 1990s, nonprofit camps were struggling to fill their beds and stay open due to a decline in funding. SCOPE was born out of a desire to help these camps fill their beds with children who truly needed camp and would ultimately benefit from the camp experience.

– Jay Jacobs (SCOPE Founder & Timber Lake Family of Camps Owner)

– Bev McEntarfer (Camp Homeward Bound Director)
Summer Camp & Beyond
SCOPE has funded over 28,300 camperships for children from low-income families to attend overnight summer camp in the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, and Southwest regions of the country.

SCOPE is the single best story we as a camp community have to tell… [L]et’s work together to share our time and resources so financially disadvantaged children are given life-changing experiences at summer camp. These children deserve the opportunity to grow and develop at camp and beyond!
– Doug Pierce (SCOPE Founder & Owner/Director Emeritus of Pierce Country Day School and Camp)
SCOPE Milestones
- 1991 – SCOPE founded as SCOP (Summer Camp Opportunity Program), a program of the American Camp Association New York section
- 1992 – SCOP’s first summer, 26 children receive ‘camperships’ with funding support from camp directors in New York
- 1999 – SCOP changed its name to SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge)
- 2004 – SCOPE received the American Camping Foundation’s Eleanor P. Eells Award for Program Excellence at the American Camp Association’s National Conference in San Francisco, California.
- 2005 – SCOPE established as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization
- 2007 – SCOPE Midwest launched as first SCOPE regional affiliate under the regional leadership of Dayna Hardin
- 2008 – SCOPE Midwest first summer, 100 children receive ‘camperships’ to attend overnight camp
- 2011 – SCOPE Southeast affiliate launches in partnership with the Boca West Children’s Foundation
- 2011 – SCOPE Midwest establishes the Bradley Schwartz Campership Fund to provide camperships for children in the Midwest
- 2012 – SCOPE Southeast first summer, 37 children receive ‘camperships’ to attend overnight camp
- 2012 – SCOPE rebranded to Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education with a focus on the year-round education of children in the program; establishment of the Sanford Lavitt Education Fund, which will give Northeast campers who graduate from high school and camp the opportunity to apply for college scholarships
- 2012 – SCOPE developed database with support from CampMinder to track camper continuum
- 2012 – SCOPE received the Lois Goodrich Award for helping to provide affordable camp programs for children from underserved communities at the Trail Blazer Camps’ Benefit in New York, New York.
- 2014 – The Young Leaders Board (now known as the Associate Board) for young adults ages 21+ and the Junior Leadership Council (JLC) for middle and high school youth established to create a new generation of SCOPE supporters
- 2014 – SCOPE Southwest affiliate launched in Austin, Texas, with regional leadership from Blake Sunshine
- 2015 – SCOPE Southwest first summer, three children receive ‘camperships’ to attend overnight camp
- 2020 – SCOPE’s first class of college scholarship recipients enrolled in college with the assistance of the Sanford Lavitt Education Fund
- 2021 – Marked the second year of our college scholarship program with 13 eligible scholars enrolled in college
- 2022 – SCOPE celebrated 30 years of sending children to camp
Stories from Camp & Beyond
In their own words, campers and supporters share why the work we do truly matters.