Our Impact: Outcomes
28,300 Camperships and Counting
Total camperships SCOPE has funded in the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and Southwest regions of the United States since 1991 with support from individuals, camps, businesses, and foundations.
Camper Impact 2023

Funding Impact 2023

Supporters Impact 2023

Funding Camperships
With your support, SCOPE is partnering with 67 nonprofit, American Camp Association (ACA) accredited, resident camps in the summer of 2024 to provide over 1,300 camperships to children of families who otherwise could not afford a camp experience for their child.
$1,500 sends a child to camp in the Northeast for 2 weeks; $750 in the Midwest, Southeast, and Southwest.
Children enrolled in school, ages 7-16 and qualify for the USDA Free or Reduced Lunch Program are eligible to apply for SCOPE campership support.

SCOPE Partner Camps
In 2024, SCOPE is partnering with 67 different nonprofit, overnight summer camps around the United States, accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA).
Each SCOPE partner camp is required to maintain compliance with ACA standards, accept campers at agreed upon SCOPE allocated tuition cost and refrain from asking assisted families for any additional fees.
SCOPE partner camps recruit campers through their community partnerships by providing SCOPE campership applications to families that meet the requirements for SCOPE funding.
Maine – Agassiz Village Camp
Odyssey Teen Camp
YMCA Camp Hi-Rock
New Hampshire
Beam Camp
Brantwood Camp
Lantern Light Camps
New Jersey
Appel Farm Arts & Music Center
Hands In 4 Youth, Home of Vacamas Camps
Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center
Kiddie Keep Well Camp
Princeton-Blairston Center, Inc
Star Lake Camp
Trail Blazer Camps
YMCA Camp Bernie
YMCA Camp Mason
YMCA of the Pines
4-H- Dorothy P. Flint
4-H- Camp Shankitunk
Camp Anne
Berkshire Hills Eisenberg Camp
Eagle Island Camp
Eden Village Camp
Fiver Children’s Foundation
The Fresh Air Fund
Frost Valley YMCA
Homes for the Homeless Summer Camps
Camp Homeward Bound
Camp Morty
North Shore Holiday House, Inc.
Camp Olmsted
Ramapo for Children
Camp SAY
Surprise Lake Camp
Camp Victory Lake
Camp Wilbur Herrlich
YMCA Camp Chingachgook
Experience Camps
Camp Netimus for Girls
Camp Onas
Summer Camps at College Settlement
Rhode Island – Camp Uncommon
Vermont – Camp DREAM
Happy Hollow Children’s Camp, Inc.
Jameson Camp
Iowa – YMCA Camp Wapsie
Ohio – Camp NEOSA
Camp Beechpoint
McGaw YMCA Camp Echo
Camp Newaygo
Skyline Camp and Retreat Center
4-H Camp Cloverleaf
4-H Camp Timpoochee
Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches
YMCA Camp Winona
Georgia – C5 Georgia Youth Foundation – Camp Leadership University
Looking for a camp for your child?
Contact SCOPE Partner Camps directly regarding scholarship opportunities
By funding camperships, SCOPE support reinforces the connection between academic achievement and the enriched recreational and educational experiences at summer camp.