Advocate on Social Media
Tag #SupportSCOPE
To tag on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, use the @SupportSCOPE handle
- #SupportSCOPE is the official hashtag of the organization
- #Strides4SCOPE is the official hashtag if you are doing a project/event/initiative for the organization

- CREATE posts, stories, and tweets to engage and motivate your community
- SHARE SCOPE’s posts, events, and updates
- ADVOCATE the importance of SCOPE’s mission to give as many children as possible overnight summer camp experiences
- JOIN in days of giving back to promote SCOPE (i.e. #GivingTuesday, Camp Kindness Day)
- TELL your network what summer camp and SCOPE mean to you
- INCREASE your reach by tagging @SupportSCOPE and #SupportSCOPE
SCOPE Northeast Junior Leaders
4 sec
Give Context + Share Information
Below is text you can copy, paste, and incorporate into any communication.
- SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education) provides children from underserved communities with life-changing opportunities through the experience of summer camp.
- By supporting SCOPE, you help give children, who otherwise could not afford it, the chance to experience the magic of camp!
- SCOPE provides summer camperships to children whose families would otherwise not be able to afford a camp experience.
- Each year, hundreds of children receive the benefits of summer camp through SCOPE support. The funds raised from foundation and corporate partners, individual gifts, and fundraising events help to make this possible.
- SCOPE campers have been given the chance to learn new skills, connect with nature, and develop the sense of independence that can only come from being away from home; this is a gift that will have positive effects that will last throughout their lives.
- With your support, SCOPE gives children from low-income families a chance to attend camp and build brighter futures for themselves and their families.
- Since 1991, together we have helped to provide over 27,000 camperships to children who otherwise would not have experienced the positive impact of overnight summer camp.
- SCOPE partners with 57 nonprofit, resident camps around the country, accredited by the American Camp Association to provide the antidote to summer learning loss. Our partner camps are located in the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, and Southwest regions.
- (MIDWEST ONLY) Since 2007, SCOPE Midwest has provided over 2,700 camp scholarships to children from underserved communities.