National Pickleball4SCOPE Tournaments! October 26 & 27, 2024

Virtual SCOPE Midwest Benefit 2020

The 2020 SCOPE Midwest Benefit was scheduled to take place on April 24 but under the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we are holding a virtual SCOPE Midwest Benefit. Along with the event committee, we are hopeful you continue to have SCOPE campers on your mind and in your hearts. Although we don’t know what the future holds for the summer of 2020, we do know that summer experiences are needed more than ever for the children SCOPE helps to serve and for ALL children. We remain committed to the children we serve. This is why we invite you to continue to support SCOPE Midwest.

Despite the inability to gather together in person this year, our goal remains the same, to provide less fortunate children with access to overnight summer camp. We need YOU to help us attain our goal. For over ten summers our collective support has helped provide 200 SCOPE camperships each summer. Over time, we have helped give thousands of children access to life-changing opportunities through the summer camp experience. The impact would not be possible without your continued support.

During these unprecedented times, your support and dedication to SCOPE Midwest is commendable. Thank you for considering a contribution to help SCOPE Midwest continue to make a difference in the lives of local children who need camp now more than ever.

Dillon telling his story
Summer camp isn’t a place you just go for a week and come back the same person. Every year I come back as a new person… I have learned so many things I brought back here. I learned how to talk to people. I learned how to open up to people easily. I learned how to do archery.

Thank you a million times over because SCOPE provided all of these things. So, I wanted to say thank you.

– Dillon, House In The Wood Camper


Laurence Seeger, Former Owner/Director Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps Lifetime Achievement in Camping Award

Laurence Seeger

Former Owner/Director Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps

Lifetime Achievement in Camping Award

Kaley French, The $125 for 100 Event Youth Service Award

Kaley French

The $125 for 100 Event

Youth Service Award

Kathy Gordon, Lake County Public Defender Youth Advocate Award

Kathy Gordon

Lake County Public Defender

Youth Advocate Award


Dinner Committee

Events Chairs

Dayna Hardin
Dana Kite



Terry & Sandy Cohen,
Camp Marimeta
Chris Curtis, Envestnet
Lillian Kugler, Camp Mah-Kee-Nac
Niki Papak, Banner Day Camp
Lucia Thoensen, Tamarak Day Camp
Richard Woodstein, Camp Robin Hood


SCOPE Midwest Benefit Award Recipients

Lifetime Achievement Award and Youth Advocate