Camp it Forward
This annual initiative has funded 390 camperships since its inception in 2016.
Camp it Forward with SCOPE is an annual FUNraiser hosted by SCOPE in partnership with participating day camps and resident camps as a way to raise money and awareness for SCOPE. Participating camps offer their camp families the opportunity to win FREE tuition (including winning their paid tuition back) to the camp they are enrolled in.

All proceeds will go to SCOPE, to help give the gift of summer camp to children from low-income families to attend nonprofit, ACA-Accredited, overnight, SCOPE partner camps.
Camp it Forward is an amazing way to get your camp, campers and camp families involved in giving back. The camp’s participation and promotion of Camp it Forward to their community are what continue to make this initiative so successful!
2024 Camp it Forward Participating Camps
We are grateful to the participating camps for their passion, drive, care, and dedication to bringing SCOPE and the campers we help to serve into the lives of their camp families!